You have now reached our blog, which means you’ve found our brand new, shiny website. That’s exciting. Welcome!
We are Becky (Winter) and Dean (Bennett), and together we will work to photograph and film your wedding to provide you with long-lasting imagery and footage to last generations.
I (Becky) have been working within the wedding industry for almost 5 years and photographed over 50 weddings (and counting!), specialising in natural wedding photography. Reaching the final 3 for the “South West Newcomer Wedding Photographer of the Year 2018” (The Wedding Industry Awards) was a particular career highlight, but what’s even more rewarding is how many weddings I get to go to each year and photograph, immerse myself in your day and give you photos you can treasure.
Dean’s eye for detail and ability to see beautiful moments that the untrained eye would miss is second to none, meaning his wedding films are a true beauty and wonderful representation of your day. He’s also crazy tall, which makes up for Becky’s miniature size (don’t be fooled by the photo) and giving you a birds’ eye view of your day (who needs a drone ;)).
We love this job so much – it brings so much joy, and how lucky are we to be able to call our favourite hobbies our job?! We’ll continue to do so until we’re stooped and wrinkly and can no longer hold our cameras (but we’ll still try!).
If you love natural wedding photography and film, being outside, following light (particularly a sunset), then you may have found your match.
Let’s meet up, go for coffee and discuss how we can fit into your wedding plans. We’ll be able to provide answers to many of your questions, and any we can’t – well, we’ll try our best to help!
See you soon.
All our love, Becky & Dean x